Awards And Answers Part: I don’t deserve this

Mmmm do you hear that? The siren’s call? The low, seductive whispers chanting “Maybe later, maybe later, maybe later”; the lilting, enticing musical tone drawing you in as the words bathe you in a warm light: gentle and purple (or blue, or yellow or green or whatever your light is).

Too many nights spent listening to the voice lull you to sleep, deep and peaceful. Too many days spent with the curtains drawn, swaddled in blankets and soft pillows, shut away from everything and everyone.

Oh the joys of procrastination.

My A-levels start in a month. Preparation for that has been going on which is one reason posts have been so scarce lately (I was clearly such a dedicated and regular blogger prior to that, really)–though my mother seems to think all I’ve been doing is blog and paint. Oh if only.

And of course, the strong, overwhelming urge to do nothing except sit and breathe only comes around when Very Important Things need to be done–and done quickly. Who decided it was a good idea to make education such a tiring feat? When did it turn from enlightenment and higher thinking to a stress-inducing cesspit of sleep deprivation and deadly competition?

If I were to spend this post listing out the flaws of our current education system, we’ll be here forever, so let’s just get to the point of this post:

The Liebster Award



I was nominated by Zoe over at Zoe169 (go on, venture forth into her blog bravely, and unhesitatingly my brave souls, she mainly posts amazing quotes) but since I have done this award before I decided to not make another post about (in the sense that I answer the questions and all that)–but I’m very happy you thought of me though, Zoe. Even if I can’t fathom why (it must be my disarmingly charming put-er off-er skillz, or perhaps my beautiful inconsistent posting schedule). I apologize for not getting to this sooner.

But I didn’t want to break the chain, though so instead I’ll just skip ahead to the part where you pass on the honour. I’d like to nominate the following blogs I recently discovered:


I know that isn’t the required amount of nominations but when do I ever actually follow through with that rule anyway?


♦ Thank the blogger that nominated you.
♦ Write 11 random facts about yourself.
♦ Answer the 11 questions asked by the blogger that nominated you.
♦ Nominate 5 to 11 other bloggers and let them know they’ve been nominated.
♦ Come up with 11 questions for the bloggers you’re nominating.

The Questions: (as created by Zoe)

  1. What is your favourite season?
  2. What would your ideal partner look like?
  3. How long have you been blogging?
  4. What is your favourite meal?
  5. Do you prefer your mum or your dad? (sorry awkward question)
  6. Would you prefer to have a boy or a girl? (children)
  7. What is your favourite colour?
  8. What is your favourite drink?
  9. Are you an extrovert or an introvert?
  10. What is your greatest fear?
  11. Black or white?


And that’s all about the award.

Thank you for bearing with me.

Yours Truly,


P.S Also, apparently I have over 200 followers now (eek?!), so thank you for that. You misguided fools.

That is me, a happy potato, laughing evilly because the first step to world domination has been fulfilled. 


Awards and Answers Part…Abort, abort, abort.

The Princess of Frozen Darkness—thus called ever since her meeting with the Posts of the Internet, who, by putting her through great danger that tested her character, endurance and bravery, awarded her the title after she perilously dodged the pitfalls of slow internet and worked out her official title according to the first letter of her name and the month she fell to the earth on—sighed, reclining on her sky blue throne, slowly stroking her domesticated black panther.

This kingdom held no excitement for her. She had sung all the songs, danced every dance, fought every fight, adventured all the adventures, squeezed every bit of entertainment out of this wretched, barren land. And now she was bored. No words flew out, no quill dipped hastily into ink, her hand moved not swiftly across the waiting parchment laid out in preparation; and there it lay, six long days later, still untouched.

A squeak.

She looked to the shadows in the corner of her large throne room and caught the last rays of the sun glinting off of something long forgotten. It moved forward, slowly, silently, gliding along the marble floors. The Princess felt a growing sense of shame, over what she knew not yet. But something was wrong. Something she had overlooked during adventuring all the adventures and singing all the songs. Something she should have shown more gratitude towards and been more respectful of.

And then it moved into the light:

The Liebster Award

SO, it’s been well over a month since skynimbus nominated this blog for that honor.

I know. I’m a lousy person.

Hey at least, I didn’t completely forget.

I’m an ungrateful ingrate. Thank you so much, you wonderful person!


The rules:

  • Post the award on your blog.
  • Thank the blogger who nominated you, and include a link to their blog.
  • Write eight random facts about yourself.
  • Nominate eight bloggers who you think are deserving and who have less than 200 followers.
  • Answer the questions put forward by the nominating party and put up 8 questions for your nominees.


8 random facts:

  1. I nearly always have a headache. I seem to have inherited the subtle art of contracting migraines at the slightest provocation thanks to mother dearest. Kid #2 has too.
  2. I have a tiny mole on my right shoulder I call Molly. Yes, Molly Mole. Feel free to fall at my feet and bath it in rose-milk anytime.
  3. I am the eldest of four children.
  4. Prolonged social interaction seriously puts me out of sorts and unless I get away for a few minutes, I almost always get overwhelmed and have a mini-breakdown. Which, you see, is very inconvenient because most people see me as a people-person (yes yes, I just can’t turn off the charm. It’s a curse and a gift) That is not to say I don’t like people; they’re all right. I just need to be alone every now and then.
  5. I used to have a ton of those make your own adventure books where you got to decide on your story at the end of every chapter by choosing to follow one of the paths given, and thereby turning to the corresponding page number. I died quiet a bit.
  6. I’m mildly terrified of clowns. And people in giant teddy bear costumes.
  7. It is illegal to challenge somebody to a duel in Canada. And to accept a challenge to a duel. Well, there go all my holiday plans.
  8. If a giant panda has twins, she almost always leaves one of them to die.


Well I did break that rule, but c’mon wouldn’t you much rather know that thing about mother pandas than read another lousy fact about me?

You’re welcome.


  1. What do you like more – the moon, or the stars? If the moon, which particular phase?
  • The stars.
  1. Have you even been in love? If yes, what is it like? If no, do you believe in it?
  • I haven’t, not yet. And I don’t know if I do believe in it. But I see my parents, and I know that is love so I don’t know.
  1. Do you believe in life after death?
  • I believe we all get one shot at this. But I do believe this.
  1. What do you think you will see in the Mirror of Erised? Also, what would your boggart be? While we’re at it, what house do you identify yourself with, and what would your patronus be?
  • I think the Mirror of Erised will show me a concrete path, something I can be sure about. My boggart would be a dementor, or if Disappointment or Mediocrity has a physical shape, then that. I don’t know if this is arrogant of me, but several online quizzes have placed me in either Gryffindor or Ravenclaw, I identify most with Ravenclaw. Not that I don’t love the other houses deeply. My patronus would be a pufferfish perhaps, or a toad, or an owl.
  1. Do you like poetry? If yes, which is your favorite piece?
  • Does anyone dislike it? And I have a lot of favourites. There is Horses by Edwin Muir, Invictus, The Raven, and there was this one that was printed in the preface of my copy of What Katy Did, it was a poem about growing up and was the first poem I ever truly appreciated (I was 9 when I got the book) It was called ‘To Five’.
  1. How many languages do you know? Name them.
  • English, Hindi and a regional Indian language, Malayalam.
  1. What is your most cherished possession?
  • Don’t have one.
  1. Isn’t thisjust the BESTEST thing ever? Tell me what you thought of it. And if you didn’t get it, I’ll gladly explain.
  • Yes. Yes.


My questions for nominees:

  1. Do people who chew loudly put you off?
  2. Unrequited love. Pathetic or romantic?
  3. One thing a stranger did that you will always carry with you. Fond memory, of course.
  4. Do you believe humanity is a revolutionary dead-end? Why?
  5. If you could say one thing in your dying moment, what would it be and to whom?
  6. Beloved childhood character.
  7. Name of one of your childhood imaginary friends and why they were great.
  8. Your greatest regret.



I know I know, that’s not 8. But I’m sleepy and tired…

…and lazy.

Besides my domesticated black panther is now getting restless. Let me go feed it some tender human flesh and bathe it in the tears of fearful grown men.

Yours Truly,

Princess of Frozen Darkness


Awards and Answers Part…Taylor Swift


Nice to meet you,

 where you been?

 I’ve been given this incredible thing.

Magic, madness, heaven, bling;

saw it there and I thought:

 Oh my god, look at that grace!

It seems I’ve set another heart ablaze.

Love’s a myth.

Donkeys will braaaay-ay.

I’ll admit, I did sort of go into a different direction towards the last two sentences there. I had meant to stay on the topic at hand, which is…the Blogger Recognition Award. Look at it sitting oh-so-gracefully with the light glinting off of it on my virtual mantle there. Diya from Pen2Needle was kind enough to bestow upon me this honour—thank you so much! Say hi to Diya, people. Go on, don’t be shy.


  1. Select 15 other blogs you want to give the award to. You cannot nominate yourself or the person who has nominated you.
  2. Write a post to show off your award
      • Done.
  3. Give a brief story of how your blog started
      • So there I was: lost and reeling, searching for redemption–for an escape. Staggering under the weight of the world and all its expectations when one day, as the sun rose, so did my spirits and a celestial voice spoke out: thou shal—lel no. I like writing and blogging is a free means for getting your words out there. Not to mention I get to test out whether or not I can actually string a few sentences together.
  4. Give a piece of advice or two to new bloggers
      • I’m hardly qualified to be doing this. But I suppose the one piece of advice would be to stick to what you want to write. You should be able to read something of yours and feel like it belongs to you–that it is you. Write from your soul and not for the follower count or blog hits because it’s easy sometimes to be caught up in that. Also, don’t be selfish, give back what you get. Its a community, so interact.
  5. Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog
      • Being the ever-courteous angel that I am, did it already.
  6. Attach the award to the post
    • Done.

And that’s all folks. Award posts are tricky because no one actually wants to read them  and no one knows how to write an interesting one so when it came to starting this post, I was drawing a blank. All that I saw was blank space. Blank space everywhere. But I’ve finally finished it.

Yours Truly,


Awards and Answers Part…It’s Starting to Sound Obnoxious Now

‘Ello! Como estas mi amigos? Gracias senor!

Having exhausted my Spanish vocabulary, I suppose it is time to get down to bidness. (bizness? bi’ness?) business.

The Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award.

As much as I wish cutting a lock of your hair and burning it in the bonfire promising eternal sister affiliation was one of the rules, it is not. It’s not that kind of sisterhood. But I have a lock of my hair ready anyway in case they show up at the dead of night. Who are ‘they’, you ask? Well only the sisterhood knows that.

But the actual rules are as below:

  • Thank the blogger who nominated you (its only polite)
  • Answer 10 questions that the nominator has given you
  • Nominate 10 other bloggers and create 10 questions for nominees and notify them about their nomination.

So thank you, dferkan. Even if cosmetics is not your thing (like me) you’ll still like his posts simply for the way he writes. I know I did.


  1. Which cosmetics store is your favorite?

Ans: Well, since I’m not much into cosmetics (read: tried to put on eyeliner ONCE and ended up with a streak across elbow) I don’t think I can answer that

  1. How often do you go shopping for cosmetics?

Ans: Does soap count?

  1. Which one do you use before you apply your makeup; primer or regular moisturizer?

Ans: Well…uh…

  1. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?

Ans: If I’m late for school about 7 minutes. Otherwise 15 minutes should do it.

  1. Do you prefer expensive brands over cheaper ones?

Ans: Hehe.

  1. What is your favorite brand of cosmetics?

Ans: Itsy bitsy spider went up the water spout

  1. MAC vs Clinique?

Ans: Well, I only ever heard of one of them, so I’m going to go with MAC.

  1. Have you ever contoured your face?

Ans: Say what now?

  1. Do you have a regular skin care routine?

Ans: I wash it every morning. Then towel it dry.

  1. Do you like Beyoncé? (My fave)

Ans: Do girls rule the world?

I’m so sorry about the answers…I just don’t know any of this.


  1. Avery
  2. Elm
  3. Kritika
  4. Poetry and Chocolate and Books
  5. Ayushi
  6. Aakansha
  7. Real Girl
  8. Odd
  9. Victo Dolore
  10. Little Miss Mystery

 Keep thy lock of silky tresses at the ready. You never know when the sisterhood will come calling

P.S Does anyone else find the blog they followed being mysteriously un-followed?

Yours Truly,


Awards and Answers Part 5…Or 6. Gah.

The Encouraging Thunder Award


Thundering Typhoons! (okay I admit that was a really bad reference…but any Tintin fans out there?)

In my opinion the only thunder in me would be by way of thunder thighs, but thank you nevertheless Asil. His blog is very quirky and unlike most out there and as far as blogmates go, as long as you decline any apples he has to offer, you’re golden. Go on then, give it a click.

My Purpose in Blogging

  • Well, like I’ve said before, writing is my coping mechanism and that might be very cliché and unoriginal but that’s how writing has always helped. Once I write something down then I have pulled out that part of me and stamped it forever on that piece of paper so it means nothing to me anymore—what I mean is, it doesn’t affect me anymore because it is no longer a part of me.
  • It’s also a test of sorts—this is my way of seeing whether writing really is something I can do because who else to give you honest opinions other than strangers from all over the world, right? If someone other than my mom were to like something I wrote, that would be nice…
  • So it means something. It being me and just writing in general. Maybe one day even after I’m dead someone will come across this blog some random person wrote all those years ago (if blogs still exist in the future in this manner)
  • It’s fun


  • Post it on your blog.
  • Add the Encouraging Thunder logo.
  • Grant other bloggers the award.
  • Mention your purpose in blogging.
  • Thank the person who nominated you.

Other Thunders out there:

And that’s it. That was the list of the nominations I had been unable to get to. Again, sorry about the successive award posts

Yours Truly,


Awards and Answers Part…Something.

The Beautiful Blogger Award

beautiful blogger 

Thank you Odd for the nomination! Okay I think the exclamation mark may be a bit much because I don’t feel very exclamation mark-ish right now, but I don’t know how else to relay how grateful I am…by the way isn’t that a nice name: Odd? I mean, clearly it’s not a name and her username is actually ‘I am Odd’—I just still like it though. The word, that is. Odd. Go to the RunningOdd, okay? Okay.

The Rules:

  1. Thank the person who nominated you
  2. List 7 random facts about you
  3. Send said award to seven (or however many you want) other creative, beautiful geniuses

Random Facts

  1. I hate having to tell people random facts because I never know what to say
  2. I like lizards and can deal with small cockroaches but the big ones I don’t like
  3. I address said big roaches usually with the pre-fix ‘Sir’ as in “Please move out of my way, Sir Disgustingly-Large-Thing”
  4. I’m secretly a very cheerful person but I seem to be the only one aware of that
  5. I never usually like myself very much
  6. I like accidental paint splotches
  7. I was bit by a monkey once—and I think I’ve said that here before but ehh

Now on to the Beautiful Bloggers:

 Before I get on with the next award, I’m so sorry about the series of successive award posts–I just don’t think putting them off any longer is polite.

Creative Blogger Award

Huh. Well what do you, look at that.

The Rules:

  • Thank and link to the person who nominated you
  • Share 5 facts about yourself
  • Nominate 10 other bloggers
  • Let them know you nominated them

Thank you so much Sofia—you really are too kind. Her blog is such a pretty thing (seems fitting considering the title) and I’m not just talking about the appearance, it’s her writing too.


Boy, there sure seem to be a fair amount of those here, no?

  • I have three thermocol shelves I made myself because I was supposed to be studying and it seemed as good a procrastination activity as any. I really like them though, and I didn’t really have to do much other than dig them out and stick em on the wall.
  • I like watering plants. Even though we don’t have any now, that was pretty much all I did in the old house where we had a proper arrangement of them
  • I never know what to write, but as soon as I sit down, they come pretty quick for a while until my brain decides that’s it and I never finish the story ever again. Or even if I do it doesn’t end the way I thought it would when I started it
  • I have stubborn, bushy, curly hair which are at their worst right now because rain.
  • I still love rain though and can’t resist opening the windows of the car on the way to school even if I end up looking like a banshee.


I could be selfish and lazy right now and refuse to nominate specific people because I spent all this time writing nominations and linking them for the previous awards so you should know that the fact that I am not doing that means I love you people and that I am a self-sacrificing saint and should be canonized sometime in the future.

I swear just one last award and then I’m done and will start publishing proper stuff

Yours Truly,


Awards and Answers Part…Vier? Vier.

Heyo strangers. It’s been a while…

…and I bet none of you even noticed. Excuse me while I go cry in the corner again… (why you no love me? Why? WHY?)

First off, I apologize for the excruciatingly long time I took in acknowledging the awards—I assure you this has never happened before (mostly because I don’t get nominated much, but let’s just pretend it is because I’m always very thorough and punctual) and I never let things pile up like this—it’s just I had the exams and then the week after that was spent crying about the horrible exams. I don’t mean to come off ungrateful though because of the delay. Thank you so very much you misguided fools.


Right so, onward:

Bad dum ba ba ba ba dummmmm

The Very Inspiring Blogger Award

Yes, yes I’m as surprised as you are. Inspiring. That’s right. Inspiring. In-frickin-spiring. Me.index-very-inspiring-blogger-awardThank you so much Little Miss Mystery (speaking of whom, you really need to go have a look-see around her blog if you haven’t already and I’m not just saying that ‘cause of the award and its rules, it really is quite something)

Ze Rules:

  • Thank the person who nominated you
  • Add the logo to your post (I like logos, don’t you?)
  • Nominate ten bloggers who inspire (that’s a huge number and I’m doing multiple awards so I might tweak the number a bit)
  • Answer the following questions

The Questions-

1. In your personal life, which person inspires you the most?
Okay well this might be a bit odd…but I’m not a very inspired person. I mean I have bouts of ‘this is it’ and ‘do something’ and ‘so nice’ moments and they might not be all the same to you and I don’t know how to explain—but I’m not a very inspired person. I’m hoping that’ll change in the future. But I’m just not one of those intelligent, charismatic, enchanted people. I’m…I don’t know, I’m coasting; just floating about—all very mechanical…and I know I should say my parents or a teacher or a friend, but I’m just not a very inspired person.

  1. Who is your role model?

There is no one singular person and they’re not all, well real in the conventional sense of the word, but to name a few: Sojourner Truth, Emma Watson, Jo March, Sylvia Plath, Jeeves (he just seems like a really fun yet vastly knowledgeable person)

  1. Do you make efforts to make others feel emotionally and mentally stronger?

If by that you mean support them in times of need or to give them confidence about certain things…well, I don’t know. Obviously I would like to…but if things were that easy I suppose no one would have any problems. But I’d like to actually do it. One day.

  1. Which sound do you hear this current moment?

Well there is some distant yelling of the neighbour’s kids and Tom Sawyer (by Rush) coming from the laptop.

  1. Which is the best quote for you?
    There is never really a “best” quote…but the current quote would be: “You could rattle the stars. You could do anything, if you only dared. And deep down, you know it too, and that’s what scares you the most.”

And now to the nominations:

I think I’ll publish the awards as individual posts because I wrote it as one single post and it is so very, very long and I don’t think anyone likes long award things (even though mine are seldom brief)

Yours Truly,


Awards And Answers Part…Tres?(!)

Well, well, well, lookie what we have here…ANOTHER award? Gosh, my mantle is already overflowing with the mile long letters of appreciation you non-existent readers keep sending me all the time—do you like the automated return-letter my very own personal secretary sends these days? They’re lavender scented. Is the gold leaf too much?

Not to brag or anything, but yeah I’m pretty awesome and I would be lying if I said I hadn’t prepared an acceptance speech already for all the blog awards to ever have existed—there is no way anyone would pass up on an opportunity to inflate my fit-to-burst ego some more…And the time has come my lovelies, the world has finally realized just how better a place it is for my presence.


Ha!  Honestly though, thank you Ayushi for the nomination—I assure you there is no personal secretary and there are no lavender-scented return letters…

…yet. The shipment got lost in the mail. Once I take over the world, I shall put an end to all the blithering idiots bumbling about, stinking up the place, not to mentio—err, let’s just pretend none of the above happened.

Humble acceptance post. Take two:

Ayushi nominated me for the Versatile Blogger Award—though in my opinion, the only versatility this blog exhibits is in the wide range of craptasticness it oscillates between (this is when you tell me that I am, in fact, a soon to be world-renown writer—or deserve to be one anyway– and that this blog is the best thing ever since sliced bread even though I did just use the word ‘craptasticness’)

You might want to pay her blog a quick visit (though my judgement can hardly be called ‘sound’ at the best of times, trust me on this one. Go)

I’m not going to stretch the post on anymore. Let’s get down to bizness.

The Rules:

  • Thank the person who gave you this award. That’s common courtesy (duh.)
  • Include a link to their blog. That’s also common courtesy — really I shouldn’t even have to mention it
  • Nominate 15 deserving bloggers you discovered recently for the Versatile Blogger Award — you might include a link to this site.
  • Finally, tell the person who nominated you 7 things about yourself.

So, thank you Ayushi, I am honored.

7 things about me:

  1. I’m really not interesting enough to have SEVEN interesting things to say about myself
  2. I was bitten by a goat once (Yes, it’s possible. No, I can’t remember if it hurt)
  3. Unlike most people, I do not have a favourite book—I don’t like cheating on any of them, they are all equally pretty.
  4. I named my Assassin’s Creed avatar ‘Daisy Buchanan’ and I never even finished reading the Great Gatsby  sob 
  5. I’m thinking about DIY posts and whether I should dabble in them (Don’t worry, I hear your horrified screams thinking about me being let loose in the world with a pair of scissors in my hand and so shall keep my distance)
  6. I adore and am constantly baffled by the English language ( i before e except after c. Except when not..? Also, really what is the right way to use hyphens?)
  7. I know most of you just want to hear the nominations. Yes I can read minds. For the last time, NO, I am not going to use it for evil. rolls eyes

  1. Elm
  2. John
  3. Acasil
  4. James
  5. Sunesis
  6. Deep Blues and Sea-foam Greens
  7. Pistachios Circa 1863
  8. Andrew Thain
  9. Witless Dating After Fifty
  10. Suri
  11. Little Miss Mystery
  12. Mr Joseph Diaz
  13. Olivienna

I know the rules said 15 nominations. But I’m a badass.

I should get to studying…but it’s like a great man once said: “If it weren’t for the last minute, nothing would get done”

Yours Truly,


Awards and Answers Part Deux

Start of the new month, I figured it was time to make a few changes. I’m not sure whether it is advisable to keep changing the theme of your blog—but I can’t seem to find one which I’m satisfied with for more than 6 months. My restlessness is quite inconvenient sometimes—well, most times. So, dear readers, I apologize for my indecisiveness and for the visual confusion you go through on visiting the blog after a while.

Moving on, I was recently nominated for the Real Neat Blog Award (eep!). It was a couple weeks ago and I’m sorry I didn’t get to it sooner. Wonderful LittleMissMystery was kind enough to bestow upon me this honour (go on. Click on that link. You know you want to)

A quick Google search revealed the following to be the rules:

1) Put the award logo on your blog.

2) Answer 7 questions asked by the person who nominated you.

3) Thank the people who nominated you, linking to their blogs.

4) Nominate any number of bloggers you like, linking to their blogs.

5) Let them know you nominated them (by commenting on their blog etc.)

The questions I was asked were:

  1. Q) If you were an animal, what would you be and why?

> I’d probably be an otter. Mostly because it’s Hermione Granger’s patronus. Is that reason enough? Well, they’re also said to be extremely clever and inquisitive…

  1. Q) Sweet or savoury?

> Savoury, mostly.

  1. Q) Who/ what is your biggest inspiration in life?

> Well, pinpointing one exact person/thing is a pretty difficult task…Every single person who is a part of my life managed to teach me something…my biggest inspiration though, would be all the mistakes I made I suppose (and believe me, there have been quite a few). It’s not just about learning from them—they also taught me there are a few I wouldn’t mind repeating, thereby revealing parts of me I didn’t know existed…

  1. Q) Why did you begin to blog?

>Well initially, it was a private blog—I wrote to vent. Then I started writing for the peacefulness it entailed…

  1. Q) What is the most life-changing event you’ve encountered?

> My life has been pretty uneventful for the most part…but the death of someone I knew and loved very much shook things up pretty bad. That and the fact that my best friend currently has a life-threatening disease with no concrete cure…

  1. Q) What is your favourite colour and why?

> It used to be blue. But now I don’t know. What kind of a person doesn’t have a favourite colour??

  1. Q) What do you believe in and why?

> I believe in people. Because somebody needs to; everyone is convinced the world is an evil, selfish place and all of its inhabitants evil and selfish and untrustworthy. I think most of us are just waiting for someone to give us a chance. I’m aware it is slightly naive, and people have fallen short quite a few times, but we all need someone to believe in us despite our faults right?


The bloggers I would like to nominate are:

The questions I’d like to ask them are:

  • If there was one moment you could get back—which would it be? Would you do it differently?
  • What is the one thing about yourself you’ve always liked?
  • Advice to your future self
  • What is one thing you’d like to change about the present?
  • Favourite quote?
  • Piece of advice for young girls everywhere?
  • If you could undo one of the most defining moments in human history, which would it be?

Awards and Answers

So I was recently nominated for the Liebster Award (did you notice I started this post with the word ‘so’? I’ve never done that…I think I like it…gives the illusion that I’m continuing a conversation I’d been having with you, doesn’t it?). Isn’t it such a nice gesture, the Liebster Award? It’s like there are others looking out for you and you, in turn, are looking out for others. It does feel nice to know someone thought of you…

Anyway, I am to understand that these are the rules:

  • Post the award on your blog.
  • Thank the blogger who presented this award and link back to their blog.
  • Write 11 random facts about yourself.
  • Nominate 11 bloggers who you feel deserve this award and who have less than 200 followers.
  • Answer 11 questions posted by the presenter and ask your nominees 11 questions.

The wonderful, thoughtful blogger who nominated me would be…*drum roll, please*…Aakansha. I haven’t really met a lot of fellow Indian bloggers here, but her blog really is awesome. Go to it.

Seriously, stop whatever you’re doing and GO.

Now, for the 11 random facts about me…

>>I Love yellow leaves. Not dried, brown ones, not the fresh, dewy green ones, but the half-dead, half-alive yellow ones. No deep and poetic reason, I just simply do. I stick ‘em on my wall and watch as they brown and crumble away.

>>I’m a closet romantic. If I was capable of swooning, I would swoon left and right over picturesque lakes and I romanticize everything about life—clouds, fields, night sky, everything.

>>I have a SpongeBob pin where he is smiling coyly while being wrapped in a pink, feather boa.

>>I hate sidewalks. Don’t know why…

>>I was forced to go vegan for a while because of an illness and I actually liked it…

>>I read about Icarus in the fourth grade and to this day, his is the story I remember most vividly

>>I talk to myself and to tiny insects and pretend like they understand me and we sit and crib about humans and their big headed-ness

>>I dream of going to Finland and participating in the Air Guitar competition they have

>>One thing I want to do before I die would be to have figured out why penguins and polar bears do not co-exist

>>I wish I had a diary—no, actually, I wish I had a life worth writing a diary about

>>I really did believe I would get a letter to Hogwarts…I’m hoping JK Rowling got it wrong, and the actual letter arrives when you’re 18…because, honestly what kind of a demented mad man would allow 11 year-olds to prance around with wands with which they could kill themselves?

I’d like to nominate:

Questions I was asked:

Q: Your most embarrassing moment?

Ans: Oh gee, there are so many to choose from…I think I’m going to settle for the time I violently hugged an old friend and yelled ‘hello!’ into their ears before realizing it was a complete stranger and apologized profusely before running away. Yeah.

Q: Your favorite cuisine?

Ans: Chinese. Yup. Mama loves her some fried ice cream

Q: Mountains or plains?

Ans: Mountains, definitely. Cool wind, fresh air, threat of the Sasquatch, what more do you want?

Q: If I gave you 10,000 dollars, what would you do with them?

Ans: First of all, I would ask if you were for real, then I would treat you to a chocolate ice cream—with extra sprinkles!—and then I would lay it all on my bed and roll around in it and lastly, put it in my bank account and wait for it to accumulate interest. I know, not really a very creative answer, but that is what I would do.

Q: Your ideal date?

Ans: I don’t really date…but if I were to, then I guess…popcorn, blankets and World War Z—it’s such a heart-warming movie.

Q: If you could swap your life with someone for a day, whose life would you select?

Ans: Does it have to be a real person? If yes, then I suppose PG.Wodehouse…I’d love to think like he does and be able to come up with witty retorts quickly, if I’m allowed imaginary characters, then…Tony Stark.

Q: Classy or Funky?

Ans: Bit of both, I guess.

Q: Current favorite TV Show?

Ans: Agents of Shield and Psych.

Q: Are you impulsive or a premeditated person?

Ans: When it suits me, I’m impulsive, but after the deed, I tend to over analyse it and beat myself up….and then do the exact same thing the next day.

Q: Why do you blog?

Ans: I already have answered the question in the About page…but I do it because its just something I do. It’s nice.

Q: A message you’d like to convey?

Ans: Kids don’t do drugs. Also, prepare yourself for the dolphin invasion.

11 questions for my nominees:

  1. The last time you experienced total exuberance
  2. Greatest regret
  3. If you could go back in time and prevent the birth of one great literary classic, which would it be?
  4. Courage the Cowardly Dog or CatDog?
  5. A moment you keep revisiting
  6. Which decade was the best, music wise?
  7. Something you would tell the thirteen year old you
  8. Greatest curve ball life threw your way
  9. One guilty pleasure
  10. Which literary character do you relate the most to?
  11. Where will you be in five years?