Awards and Answers Part…Vier? Vier.

Heyo strangers. It’s been a while…

…and I bet none of you even noticed. Excuse me while I go cry in the corner again… (why you no love me? Why? WHY?)

First off, I apologize for the excruciatingly long time I took in acknowledging the awards—I assure you this has never happened before (mostly because I don’t get nominated much, but let’s just pretend it is because I’m always very thorough and punctual) and I never let things pile up like this—it’s just I had the exams and then the week after that was spent crying about the horrible exams. I don’t mean to come off ungrateful though because of the delay. Thank you so very much you misguided fools.


Right so, onward:

Bad dum ba ba ba ba dummmmm

The Very Inspiring Blogger Award

Yes, yes I’m as surprised as you are. Inspiring. That’s right. Inspiring. In-frickin-spiring. Me.index-very-inspiring-blogger-awardThank you so much Little Miss Mystery (speaking of whom, you really need to go have a look-see around her blog if you haven’t already and I’m not just saying that ‘cause of the award and its rules, it really is quite something)

Ze Rules:

  • Thank the person who nominated you
  • Add the logo to your post (I like logos, don’t you?)
  • Nominate ten bloggers who inspire (that’s a huge number and I’m doing multiple awards so I might tweak the number a bit)
  • Answer the following questions

The Questions-

1. In your personal life, which person inspires you the most?
Okay well this might be a bit odd…but I’m not a very inspired person. I mean I have bouts of ‘this is it’ and ‘do something’ and ‘so nice’ moments and they might not be all the same to you and I don’t know how to explain—but I’m not a very inspired person. I’m hoping that’ll change in the future. But I’m just not one of those intelligent, charismatic, enchanted people. I’m…I don’t know, I’m coasting; just floating about—all very mechanical…and I know I should say my parents or a teacher or a friend, but I’m just not a very inspired person.

  1. Who is your role model?

There is no one singular person and they’re not all, well real in the conventional sense of the word, but to name a few: Sojourner Truth, Emma Watson, Jo March, Sylvia Plath, Jeeves (he just seems like a really fun yet vastly knowledgeable person)

  1. Do you make efforts to make others feel emotionally and mentally stronger?

If by that you mean support them in times of need or to give them confidence about certain things…well, I don’t know. Obviously I would like to…but if things were that easy I suppose no one would have any problems. But I’d like to actually do it. One day.

  1. Which sound do you hear this current moment?

Well there is some distant yelling of the neighbour’s kids and Tom Sawyer (by Rush) coming from the laptop.

  1. Which is the best quote for you?
    There is never really a “best” quote…but the current quote would be: “You could rattle the stars. You could do anything, if you only dared. And deep down, you know it too, and that’s what scares you the most.”

And now to the nominations:

I think I’ll publish the awards as individual posts because I wrote it as one single post and it is so very, very long and I don’t think anyone likes long award things (even though mine are seldom brief)

Yours Truly,
