So Ver(acit)y Sorry (Cringe)

I doubt I will succeed. I am bound to slip up any time now. Maybe I’ll write an adjective and never even realize I wrote it and then congratulate myself only to be dragged right back down.  Do you think you could do it? I like painting. I was going to go on about my doubts about completing this paragraph, but maybe distraction works for geniuses—now of course I could blush and pretend to not know that I am one, but let’s face it. I also happen to like books. And thermocol. And blue sketch pens.  Has it been a paragraph yet? Word count informs me I have written about a 100 words. I was going to make an observation right now but it involves an adjective, well several—I can’t decide if this challenge stunts creativity (since it forbids adjectives and therefore certain thoughts from being written down) or stimulates it (since it forbids adjectives and therefore certain thoughts from being written down)

Aaaand that maarrrvelous creation (play along with me here) above was my response to the Veracity Challenge, for which Acasil nominated me a few days ago. Keep in mind that mine is a very adjective-rich life and being deprived of them severely handicapped me, so I apologize if this was a whole ‘nother level of craptasticness.

I’d like to nominate all bloggers who read this. Please? I know not nominating them by name seems lazy (it is.) but I’m not being lazy (I am.), I just think it’s an interesting challenge and would like to see your response to it (that too.)

Oh, the rules by the way:

  1. Write a paragraph without using a single adjective.
  2. Keep the link of the original Veracity Challenge in your post (so that the creator of the challenge may receive a pingback)
  3. Anyone can join the challenge, you don’t have to be nominated!
  4. Nominate 6 Bloggers for this challenge

Okay now that it is right in front of me, I can’t ignore the rules (yeah yeah yeah, I know what I said about being a badass–STOP sniggering!) and  I don’t like shirkers, so I’m going to nominate the six bloggers anyway (not that others can’t try the challenge) :

Awfully sorry if I put you to sleep,


13 thoughts on “So Ver(acit)y Sorry (Cringe)

  1. “I can’t decide if this challenge stunts creativity (since it forbids adjectives and therefore certain thoughts from being written down) or stimulates it (since it forbids adjectives and therefore certain thoughts from being written down)”


    I am glad you did the challenge!You did very good 😉

    Liked by 1 person

            1. It was inspired by a quote from the book “To Kill a Mockingbird”:Atticus told me to delete the adjectives and I’d have the facts” And I thought this could be fun. Without our subjective definition of reality away a little, we might see a bit clearer, haha.
              Thanks so much, Hun! :*

              Liked by 2 people

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